So I got the new Spiral to the Republic Fleet and found it to be quite nice indeed. One of the best features is that there are fountains in the place where, on the Imperial Fleet, there are big gaping holes that an unsuspecting, clumsy and rushing Sith can plummet to her death if she just so happens to jump over a railing in her impatience. Not that it happened to me. No, it was this other crazy girl I knew. ;)
I'm finding it nice to make good conversation choices for a change, although it can be a bit dull to keep saying, "It is an honour" and "I'm here to help". Gag!
But actually the Sage skills are fun and very traditional. They really make me feel like I'm a Jedi and part of the Star Wars saga. I think I always related more to the Light side when I was a bright-eyed little girl watching these movies, so playing the new Spiral brings back fond memories. And it suits me right now, as I'm feeling tried of being the bad guy, in virtual as well as real life.
People diss video games as mindless entertainment, or hopeless addiction, but for me video games sometimes act as a way to delve deeper into my ideas, opinions and feelings. Too philosophical for a blog post? Ha! Just saying, a game like SWTOR that brings up moral choices, social responsibilities, plus the challenges of playing with a group of real people (hiding behind avatars) can be a gateway to becoming more self-aware.

Now to the Dark side. I just couldn't stay away, to be honest! I made a new toon named Scorned, a very appropriate name for me right now. She is a Sith Pureblood, and on her way to being a bad-ass Juggernaut tank.
Scorned fulfills my need to get pissed at the world and just saber men to pieces. She makes no apologies for her anger. She does not hesitate to tell people what she really thinks. She is my Dark side, full of righteous indignation, self-serving demands and yellow-eyed insensitivity. I'm hoping I can find the right balance between her and the saccharine-sweet Spiral 2.0. We shall see, dear readers, we shall see.
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