Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Credits are Meant to be Spent

I've been on a shopping escapade for the last few days in game. I traveled about the universe talking to all sorts of vendors, from Drummond Kaas all the way to Ilum (scary!). It's kinda funny that I'm obsessed with clothes in game, because in RL I don't like shopping at all!

Anyway, the problem with SWTOR is that the clothes with the nice stats all look ugly (so far). There is no skinning option, or color customization, like I've seen in other MMORPGs. Although there is Orange rarity gear that you can mod yourself, but I still think there is some sort of natural stats that you would lose out on. I believe Purple rarity gear is better than Orange too, so you may trick out some pretty outfit with mods, then get a Purple drop and wreck your whole look.

On top of that is the whole Sith hood issue, which I've talked about before. I want to show off Spiral's pretty hair and flashing green eyes. No hoods for me. And I prefer sexy pants or a shorter skirt, or something other than a long, heavy robe. Blah. I was chatting it up with a male sorcerer and I felt bad for him...he has to wear robes too! The conversation turned a bit dirty -- of course, cuz that's how we roll in FoTDG -- and we decided that Force users need to wear robes to, errr, cool off their privates.  LOL

Anyhoo, I found this lovely little purple number on Balmorra. It's actually white gear, so I bought it just to have some dancing clothes! When I need to rend the heavens with intense chains of destructive lightning, I'll put on my work clothes.  :)

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