Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Strange Choices

I'm not sure I completely understand the moral choices in this game.
I'm playing on the Republic side, a Jedi toon, and I came across a Flesh Raider baby in a backpack, just lying on the road next to a corpse. Now, wouldn't that be a perfect opportunity for some serious Light/Dark points? But no! There was no choice at all. I was forced to go hunt meat for the stinking little bugger, and the meat of a Greater Guid too. (Oh har har har.) I was seriously surprised that there were no options like: leave the filty beast to die, or kill the putrid larvae right away. I ended up taking the thing to the Jedi Temple to be adopted by some cat-person. Very odd quest.

And another strange moral choice came up a bit later. I was in the Twi'lek village and I was given the choice to become the "sister" of the new Twi'lek Matriarch. Apparently to become her sister is a Dark choice. Well, I took it! I guess the whole idea is that Jedi aren't supposed to have any family bonds or emotional attachments...or maybe we're supposed to have a racial hate for "head-things"? Strange.

Another question: I wonder if that quest is a romance option if you're playing a male toon?

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