Monday, January 30, 2012

Andy vs Khem

Staring staring staring
Andronikous Revel is one of my companions. I've had him for a week or so now.
His back story is that he's a merc or pirate or something, and his crew mutinied on him, locked him some stasis chamber or something until he went mad and somehow escaped or was rescued, but then ended up in prison. When he got released, he started hunting down his old crew, and I met him at that point and helped him kill his old First Mate. I'm kinda sketchy on the details obviously! Didn't really care all that much, to be honest. In fact, I chose to kill his First Mate myself, which pissed him off, as he wanted to do it and he said, "You knew I wanted to kill him myself!" Dearest Andy, I think you've mistaken me for someone who gives a flying Jawa!

Anyhoo, Andy stares. I suppose so does Big Ugly, but Andy's stare makes me nervous. I don't like him much, which kinda bugs me as he's the first companion I can romance, but I actually don't even want to romance him.
And to top that off, he's not even that useful to me. He's DPS and he doesn't generate all that much threat, so when it's just the two of us, I end up taking all the damange. WTF? That's when I send him off on an errand to collect Biological Samples, and summon Big Ugly to take care of my squishiness.

Speaking of Big Ugly, I so love him! He's the best. He's grumpy, yet loyal. He says he's going to kill me and eat my soul, and then he says that I'm not safe without him.
And he saved my life. And I don't just mean the infinite number of times I've sent him forward to tank for me. I mean during a cut scene on one of my class quests he jumped between me and a bad person to save me. (I don't want to say too much and spoil for anyone doing Inquisitor.) Anyway, he has really grown on me, "my morose monster".

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