Met some cool new guildies, Dex and his bro Nith. When I logged on, Dex & Heka had made "baby toons" to play with, two Imperial Agents, so I joined them on my alt, Impure, who was a level 4 Bounty Hunter. We began to ravage the unsuspecting residents of Hutta.
And we began to drink.
The SWTOR drinking game goes like this:
Gain a level...DRINK!
TeamSpeak crash...DRINK!On an elevator...DRINK!
Near an elevator...DRINK!
Thinking of an elevator...DRINK!
Hmmmm...I think you can see why the rest of the night is a blur.
I believe I may have missed out on some pretty interesting Bounty Hunter storyline too. I vaguely remember giving some woman her husband's head. She was not impressed. DRINK!
Dex, Heka and I also did some Heroics, and got some loots, and, um...did some things, shot some guys...what else? Hmmm, maybe I should one of them to blog today? Apparently I can't hold my liquor. Probably a very good thing the bottle got all empty and such, and I crashed into my comfy bed at 1:30 am.
Fun night! Thanks, guys!
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